Converting msRADIUSFramedIPAddress to IPV4 PowerShell

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The other day I was asked the to run a report by security team on which AD users had dial-in configured for a static IP address and what IP address was assigned, if any.

I did a quick Get-Aduser on the supplied test account and here are the results:

GivenName               : Chris
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress : 1869573999
Name                    : Chris
ObjectClass             : user

Well that’s odd  “1869573999″ does not look like an IP address to me.  A quick  MSDN for more information.  Not much there UGH.  I was able to find several scripts to converts IPv4 address to binary or decimal.  After much trial and error I was able to come up with the following:

To use the function you only need to supply the uses “msRADIUSFramedIPAddress” value.  To make it more useful added some PSObject and ran it through a for loop using GET-Aduser.

Now when I run the script it pulls back a list of users with a human readable IPV4 address.

That is it for now.